Antonina Broyaka

Former Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship at the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University in Ukraine, and visting professor, K-State Department of Agricultural Economics. 

Documents & Presentations by Antonina Broyaka
Title Date Downloads
Update on Ukraine

K-State extension associate in the department of agricultural economics, Antonina Broyaka, has a Ukraine update. The country is still experiencing unfavorable conditions because of Russia. 

September 21, 2023
Update on Black Sea Ag Markets and Energy and Fertilizer Markets - Webinar Recording and Slides
Update on Black Sea Ag Markets - Antonina Broyaka
Energy and Fertilizer Markets - Gregg Ibendahl
September 20, 2023
3 - Agricultural Production, Trade and Stocks in the Context of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine August 1, 2023
Agricultural Production, Trade and Stocks in the Context of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

Friday, August 25, 2023



August 1, 2023
Ukraine Update

Antonina Broyaka, K-State extension associate in the department of agricultural economics, has an update on Ukraine. They continue to experience conditions highly unfavorable to agriculture production.

July 31, 2023
Current Challenges of Black Sea Grain Markets - Webinar Recording and Slides

July 27, 2023
Black Sea Region Update

Antonina Broyaka provides an update on the Black Sea region. A recent Russian attack has created more difficulties for Ukraine.

June 9, 2023
Current State of Black Sea Grain, Legumes and Oil Markets - Webinar Recording and Slides


June 7, 2023
Update on Ukraine's Agricultural Conditions

Antonina Broyaka has an update on the Black Sea region, focusing on the ongoing impacts of Russia’s war against Ukraine and shares information on the current condition of agricultural land and the ever-evolving trade dynamics at hand that highly impact Ukraine’s economy.

April 28, 2023
Trends and Challenges for Black Sea Ag Markets and International Grain Market Trends and Impact of Geopolitical Conflict - Webinar Slides and Recording
Black Sea Ag Markets - Antoninia Broyaka
International Grain Markets - Dan O'Brien/Guy Allen
April 26, 2023