Kevin Herbel

Farm Management, K-MAR-105

Kansas Farm Management Association Executive Director
Kansas State University

Kevin Herbel serves as the Executive Director of the Kansas Farm Management Association (KFMA), providing leadership to the state-wide KFMA program and working with KFMA data. He has extensive experience assisting Kansas farm decision makers in managing their resources efficiently, primarily through one-on-one contact with farm families and individuals. This work has included record keeping assistance, in-depth whole-farm and enterprise analysis, benchmarking, labor management, tax planning and transition planning, with the goal of improved decision making.

308 Waters Hall
Manhattan , KS  66506-4011
Curriculum Vitae
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Documents & Presentations by Kevin Herbel
Title Date Downloads
Financial Benchmarking Tool

A tool to assess a farm's financial position relative to other similar farms in the same region. 

September 17, 2024
Kansas Farm Income Report

An overview of the just-released report on 2021 Kansas net farm income from the Kansas Farm Management Association at K-State. This is annual summary of data from KFMA member farms is considered a key indicator of the state of the Kansas production agriculture economy. The executive director of the KFMA, Kevin Herbel, is joined by area KFMA economists to break down what ended up being a record-setting year for net farm income in Kansas. Featured on part one are Jordan Steele from northwest Kansas, Lindsey Bryant from southwest Kansas, and Joni James from south-central Kansas. The second part of the discussion has observations on the farm income numbers for north-central, northeast and southeast Kansas from KFMA economists Will Feldkamp, Craig Althauser and Dillon Rapp, respectively.

May 12, 2022
Summary of Health Care Costs on Kansas Farm Management Association Farms 2011-2020 December 30, 2021
Feed Costs: Pasture Versus Non-Pasture Costs

An Analysis of 2016-2020 Kansas Farm Management Association Cow Calf Enterprise

November 23, 2021
Differences Between High-, Medium-, and Low-Profit Cow-Calf Producers - 2016-2020 November 23, 2021
Using Data to Think Honestly, Creatively and Strategically About Farm Management August 1, 2021
Kansas Cow‐Calf Production August 1, 2021
Employee Management on Farms in Kansas August 1, 2021
Employee Wage Rates and Compensation Packages on Kansas Farms July 28, 2021
Farm Employee Management

The executive director of the Kansas Farm Management Association at K-State, Kevin Herbel, reviews the results of a new survey conducted by the KFMA of farm employee management practices in Kansas:  the trends in wages, benefits and total compensation provided to farmhands, related to the experiences and skill sets of individual employees. He also breaks down the specific kinds of benefits and wages that Kansas farm employees earn and talks about how this information can be useful for farmers with an employee workforce as well as those looking to hire employees for the first time.

July 27, 2021