Glynn Tonsor

Livestock & Meat Marketing, Price Analysis

Professor & Extension Specialist
Kansas State University

Glynn Tonsor joined the K-State Agricultural Economics faculty as an Assistant Professor in March 2010. Tonsor’s current efforts are primarily devoted to a range of integrated research and extension activities with particular focus on the cattle/beef and swine/pork industries. His broader interests cover aspects throughout the meat supply chain ranging from production level supply issues to end-user consumer demand issues.

223 Waters Hall
Manhattan , KS  66506-4011
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Documents & Presentations by Glynn Tonsor
Title Date Downloads
Ten Thousand Labels: Credence Attributes, Product Differentiation, and Information Flows in the Food Systems: Animal Welfare Organized Symposium Presentation. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. August 14, 2012
Cow-Calf Business: Outlook Overview, Drought Impacts, Structural Changes, and Implications. 2012 K-State Beef Conference. Manhattan, KS. August 9, 2012
Cattle Finishing Returns August 1, 2012
Proposed USDA Certification of Beef Tenderness: Economic Considerations August 1, 2012
Detail of Procedures for Estimating Fed Cattle Finishing Historical and Projected Returns July 1, 2012
The Future of the US Industry: An Overview of Herd Size, Farm-Level Profitability Drivers, and Global Position Western Beef Development Center, 14th Annual Field Day, Termuende Research Ranch, Lanigan, SK. June 26, 2012
Drivers and Implications of Cow-Calf Profitability Differences Across Operations 2012 Alabama Cow-Calf Conference. Auburn University. Auburn, AL. With Kevin Dhuyvetter. June 15, 2012
There is Excitement and Opportunity for Top Managers in the Cattle Industry 2012 Alabama Cow-Calf Conference. Auburn University. Auburn, AL. June 15, 2012
Beef and Cattle Market Situation & Outlook New Generation Feeds. Manhattan, KS. June 12, 2012
Economic Aspects of Animal Welfare Animal Welfare and Current Industry Issues for Livestock Producers. West Point, Lincoln, Kearney, and Gering, NE. June 9, 2012