USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA)

USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) seeks to help American agriculture deliver an abundant, safe, and affordable food and fiber supply while sustaining quality agricultural communities. 

The agency website is: 

Please direct questions to Rich Llewelyn at 785.532.1504 or


Documents & Presentations by USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA)
Title Date Downloads
Conservation Programs

Breakout Session 4

October 10, 2024
Pandemic Assistance for Producers

Robin Reid and Farm Service Agency program specialist Todd Barrows explain what producers can expect from the Pandemic Assistance for Producers initiative and what they need to do to get it.

April 1, 2021
Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - Phase 2

On the latest edition of FSA Coffee Talk, farm program specialist Todd Barrows of the Farm Service Agency relays some of the finer details of the USDA's Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, phase 2...especially with regard to program eligibility and payment limitation rules. He also talks about changes in the commodities that qualify for CFAP 2 benefits.

Also, Robin Reid follows up with a preview of a special webinar from K-State on October 8, in collaboration with the Kansas FSA, which will provide participants even more in-depth information on CFAP 2. She also talks about the now-finalized farm program payments levels for 2019 crop production from the Price Loss Coverage program option, as those payments are now being distributed to enrolled producers.

October 6, 2020
Market Facilitation Program

The state director of the Farm Service Agency, David Schemm, covers the details of the new Market Facilitation Program, as part of the USDA's trade tariff relief which was announced this week He lists the payment rates for the 2018 commodity production that is eligible, and the procedure for producer to follow in obtaining those payments.

August 29, 2018
Farm Service Agency: Farm Loans Programs

Presented at Farming for the Future conferences: Pratt and Salina, KS. 

December 19, 2017
USDA FSA Factsheet and Information on Marketing Loans July 8, 2016
MPP Dairy Fact Sheet June 1, 2015
Farm Service Agency ARC/PLC Program Information
Farm Service Agency Factsheets
Farm Service Agency Farm Bill Website