Land Buying & Valuing

This page provides information on land values in Kansas and tools for valuing land. 


Land Buying and Valuing

Title Author Date Downloads
Kansas Land Values Book 2019

Detailed 2019 land sale information and trends at state, regional and county levels.

April 16, 2020
Agricultural Landlord Net Income Under Alternative Tax Computation Methods February 13, 2020
The Kansas Farm Economy: Navigating Rough Waters January 21, 2020
Agricultural Net Income Situation for Property Tax Calculations Webinar: Recording and Slides

Allen Featherstone discusses the process for calculating the landlord net income for property tax computations and provides information with regard to when agricultural landlord net income may begin to fall. Given net farm income, the divergence between use value net farm income and the net incomes received by farmers continues to be an item of discussion. There is also some discussion on looking at how net income would follow farm income if the eight year average of the eight year averages was modified. Leah Tsoodle assists with the information presented.

July 2, 2019
2018 Kansas Land Values: Webinar Recording

View paper on county-level land values

Dr. Mykel Taylor presents her analysis of Kansas land values, including current land value trends in Kansas and a discussion on the state of the Kansas farm economy. 

May 1, 2019
2018 Kansas County-Level Land Values for Cropland and Pasture

View May 1 webinar and slides

Dr. Mykel Taylor has released her county-level estimates for 2018 Kansas land values for irrigated and non-irrigated cropland, and pasture.

April 29, 2019
2017 Kansas County-Level Land Values

Dr. Mykel Taylor has released her county-level estimates for 2017 Kansas land values for irrigated and non-irrigated cropland, and pasture. Slides from the webinar presentation are also included. 

View webinar recording

April 25, 2018
2017 Kansas Land Values: Webinar Recording

View slides and paper on county-level land values 

Dr. Mykel Taylor presents her analysis of Kansas land values, including current land value trends in Kansas and a discussion on the state of the Kansas farm economy. 

April 25, 2018
2016 Kansas County-Level Land Values

Dr. Mykel Taylor has released her county-level estimates for Kansas land values for irrigated and non-irrigated cropland, and pasture. Slides from the webinar presentation are also included. 

July 6, 2017
2016 Kansas Farm and Ranch Land Values Webinar: Recording

Dr. Mykel Taylor discusses the factors that have led to a downturn in land values and how sustained negative profitability in the ag sector will affect land values going forward.

April 26, 2017
2015 Kansas County-Level Land Values April 7, 2016
Kansas Land Values

A webinar by Mykel Taylor on April 6. 2016. 

April 6, 2016
Kansas Property Tax

A webinar by Allen Featherstone, March 23, 2016. 

March 23, 2016
Determining the Landlord's Share of Net Returns for Irrigated Cropland

Methodology and data sources for 2014 calendar year net returns on irrigated cropland for ag land use-values. 

March 1, 2016
Kansas Land Prices and Cash Rental Prices
June 1, 2015
2014 Kansas County-Level Land Values April 1, 2015
2014 Kansas County-Level Land Values Updated! Note: For County-Level Cash Rents, Click April 1, 2015
Fence Material and Construction Cost Survey in Kansas
January 1, 2015

Land Use Value Research

Title Author Date Downloads
2017 Irrigated Farm Leasing Arrangements in Kansas
April 26, 2018
Methodologies and Data Sources Used in Determining the Landlord's Share of 2016 Calendar Year Net Returns for Irrigated Cropland for the Agricultural Land Use-Values April 17, 2018
Methodologies and Data Sources Used in Determining the 2016 Calendar Year Landlord Net Rental Income for Pasture and Rangeland for the Agricultural Land Use-Values April 17, 2018
Methodologies and Data Sources Used in Determining the Landlord's Share of 2016 Calendar Year Net Returns for Non-Irrigated Cropland for the Agricultural Land Use-Values April 17, 2018
2012 Irrigated Crop-Share Leasing Arrangements in Kansas
July 6, 2017
Bluestem Pasture Release 2017 June 22, 2017
2016 Non-Irrigated Crop Leasing Arrangements in Kansas
March 13, 2017
2016 Custom Rates Survey February 9, 2017
Determining the Landlord's Share of Net Returns for Irrigated Cropland

Methodology and data sources for 2014 calendar year net returns on irrigated cropland for ag land use-values. 

March 1, 2016
2015 Pasture Leasing Arrangements in Kansas
February 4, 2016
Fence Material and Construction Cost Survey in Kansas
January 1, 2015
2009 Irrigation Equipment Cost Survey in Kansas