KSRN Radio Interviews
Title | Author | Date | Downloads |
Precision Ag Adoption
K-State precision agriculture economist Terry Griffin reports on his new study of how quickly farmers adopt new precision cropping technology, based on a survey of Kansas Farm Management Association members. It suggests that the sooner producers employ new technology, the more inclined they are to adopt the next technological advance. |
October 4, 2017 |
Farm Program Payments
K-State risk management specialist Art Barnaby discusses the just-released information on marketing-year prices for 2016 crop production, which are being used to calculate the ARC and PLC program payments....he outlines what payments producers in the PLC program can expect in the coming days, and he comments on the expected ARC payments, although the county yield numbers have yet to be announced. |
October 3, 2017 |
Agribusiness Change Conference
K-State agricultural economist Allen Featherstone looks ahead to a special conference for agribusiness leaders to be hosted by K-State at the Olathe campus in mid-October, which will concentrate on navigating the changes in the agricultural economy....he shares some of the information he'll be presenting there on today's agribusiness climate. |
September 29, 2017 |
Farm Data Ownership
K-State precision agricultural economist Terry Griffin discusses some of the current thinking on the ownership of farm data, and whether producers would be wise to "go off the grid" with their data. He maintains that the value of that data diminishes greatly by isolating it in an attempt to keep it private. |
September 28, 2017 |
Calf Budget Tools
K-State agricultural economist Robin Reid talks about budgeting stocker and backgrounder calf programs, using on-line budget tools available through K-State to calculate the likely returns to those programs heading into 2018...she presented this information at K-State's 2017 Beef Stocker Field Day last week. |
September 26, 2017 |
Hurricanes and Ag
Vincent Amanor-Boadu looks at the impact of hurricanes Harvey and Irma on agricultural production in the impacted areas, and the possible ripple effect for the agricultural sector in general. He says that the overall economic effect on the livestock and crop interests in this region should be limited. |
September 19, 2017 |
Government Payment Estimates
K-State risk management specialist Art Barnaby announces that K-State's final estimates for Agricultural Risk Coverage payments for 2016 wheat, corn, soybeans and grain sorghum have now been posted for producers to review, in advance of those payments being issued by the Farm Service Agency in October. |
September 13, 2017 |
Shuttle Loading Grain Facilities
K-State agricultural economist Mykel Taylor reports on a new study of the large shuttle-loading grain facilities now commonly found in Kansas, and how such load-out facilities influence the prices available to grain producers...this work confirmed that these do result in a premium paid to producers who market their grain through a shuttle-loading system. |
September 7, 2017 |
Crop Insurance Caps
K-State agricultural economist Mykel Taylor goes over K-State's new analysis of two proposed changes to the federal crop insurance program, and what those would mean for all producers who utilize crop insurance: specifically, the suggested cap on crop insurance eligibility based on a farm's adjusted gross income, and a cap on the cost-share on crop insurance premiums. |
August 22, 2017 |
Cattle Price Discovery
K-State agricultural economist Brian Coffey talks about his recent study of trends in live cattle negotiated prices over the past 15 years, and how prices in one region on any given week might influence prices in other major cattle feeding regions...he hopes this information will help producers and buyers more fully understand what is driving price discovery in the marketplace...he's sharing this research at the K-State Risk and Profit Conference this week. |
August 16, 2017 |
Farm Diversification Study
K-State agricultural economist Alex Shanoyan reports on a new analysis of farm operation diversification and how it relates to the farm's financial resilience during difficult economic times...he will cover this in one of the breakout sessions at the Risk and Profit Conference this week at K-State. |
August 15, 2017 |
Economic Benchmarking Tools
K-State agricultural economist Robin Reid talks about new information she has put together that will help Kansas agricultural producers benchmark their operations' economic status. She will be presenting that at K-State's Risk and Profit Conference next week in Manhattan. |
August 11, 2017 |
Crop Insurance Changes
K-State risk management specialist Art Barnaby talks about proposed cuts to the federal crop insurance program, and the implications those would likely bring to bear for crop producers….and he reports on the move to address the price convergence issue in the wheat market. |
August 10, 2017 |
Farm Machinery Decisions
K-State farm management economist Gregg Ibendahl looks at strategies for replacing farm machinery, especially at times when profit margins on the farm or ranch are extra tight. |
August 10, 2017 |
Feed the Future Project
K-State agricultural economist Yacob Zereyesus talks about a U.S. Agency for International Development project he's engaged in, which is tracking the food needs of impoverished families in the African country of Ghana...this is part of the large-scale Feed the Future initiative involving a host of K-State researchers. |
August 9, 2017 |
Margin Protection Insurance
K-State agricultural economist Monte Vandeveer discusses the new crop insurance option that will be available to Kansas corn and soybean growers for the 2018 crop, the margin protection program: he'll explain what it's designed to cover, how the coverage is calculated, and the pros and cons of the program...he will be presenting an in-depth session on margin protection at the upcoming Risk and Profit Conference at K-State. |
August 4, 2017 |
Risk and Profit Conference
K-State extension assistant in agricultural economist Rich Llewelyn passes along the details on K-State's 2017 Risk and Profit Conference coming up in mid-August, which will focus in part on agricultural policy issues in advance of the forthcoming congressional work on the 2018 Farm Bill. |
July 27, 2017 |
Precision Ag Issues
K-State precision agricultural economist Terry Griffin reports on the topics that generated the most discussion at a major precision agriculture technology conference that he attended last week in Scotland....he also talks about his current research into the economics of using precision guidance cultivation as an alternative to herbicide use against resistant weed populations. |
July 26, 2017 |